1 year of the blog
Our brand, our projects

20 March 2024

1 year of the blog

1 year of the blog

Today we're dedicating this post to celebrate one year of our blog. We can't believe it's already been a year!

One year since a new adventure began. One year since we created a space where we can talk about our brand and the subjects we like to share and want to talk about with you.

Bringing curiosity and what is often not at the front line of our work. To learn from the people we bring and the articles we read about this world of parenting, baby behaviour and how we can deal with the various challenges and changes that happen.

Essentially, this blog is the space we were looking for to talk, share and try to understand each other. However, we also wanted to add topics that were related to sustainability and its components, which are essential to our daily lives and as a brand that has been concerned about the environment since day one.

It was important and interesting to show you the materials used in our clothes, the way we produce each piece, our commitment to new techniques and the way we draw inspiration for each collection. In addition to all this, we also read some articles that we could relate to Wedoble in some way, because of what it could become in the future and because we wanted to keep updated on what was new.

We look back on this first year of blogging as the year of building and defining this space, of reconnecting with people, exploring the world of motherhood, the emergence of new ideas and this new thing in an active way every week. In the second year, we want it to be even better, with new people coming into contact with our experiences, new themes emerging in the world of motherhood and baby and in the world of fashion and us, as a brand, being able to grow and learn even more from you. That's our goal.

Talking to our community is essential. We've managed to set up this little corner and we have our arms wide open to receive and see your opinions. It's been a great adventure that we want to continue. We want to bring you new conversations, experiences and news.

We want to thank you for being with us and we want to know what subjects or articles you would like us to explore and associate with our brand - maternity, baby care, sustainability, innovations in the world of fashion, among others.

We're counting on you!

Wedoble, we care and we talk.

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