7 design principles of Portuguese children's brands
Our brand, our projects

27 December 2023

7 design principles of Portuguese children's brands

7 design principles of Portuguese children's brands

One of the main aims of creating our blog was to have this space to talk about Wedoble as a brand, the projects it believes in and is part of, and topics associated with the world of parenting and baby care.

As well as being concerned about children, the planet also plays a big part in the way we work and produce our garments. We've already mentioned here that we always want to emphasise the purpose of being sustainable and always looking to the present and future of our environment.

Therefore, being part of projects that are in line with the same ideas and principles is fundamental for us. One of these projects is KIDS MODAPORTUGAL. We've already had the opportunity to present it in one of our first posts here. KIDS MODAPORTUGAL gives us the opportunity, together with other Portuguese children's fashion brands, to show our potential, our work and why being a Portuguese brand is an advantage.

Well, today we're talking about this project once again, this time to show that brand ambassadors have seven principles in common when it comes to design. As well as being important, they are also guiding principles for the brands in being able to achieve our objectives and, consequently, contribute to the objectives of the project itself.

Design is a fundamental aspect when it comes to sustainability. The way in which garments are created and produced ultimately dictates their environmental footprint for the future. So we need to think carefully and work to make them increasingly positive for our planet.

So the principles of this project go hand in hand with what we believe in - being sustainable, being environmentally friendly brands and still managing to be different and each brand with its own personality. It's possible and this project believes in it and shows it!

To develop this work together, here are the seven principles that unite these eight brands:

  • Long life: the more useful the item, the more environmentally friendly it will be, as it won't have to be replaced or thrown away;
  • Material reduction: brands use a minimum of raw materials and accessories, so that they are optimised and their environmental effects are reduced;
  • Multifunctionality: creating a product that doesn't need to be changed and is multifunctional and designed to follow the child's growth;
  • Use of technology: ambassador brands are part of the ecologically advanced textile industry, including design solutions that create a positive impact;
  • Knowledge: the brands all integrate an awareness-raising message into their design;
  • One material instead of two: the brands use only one material, which makes the production process easier and, consequently, the recycling process;
  • Dimensional reduction: the product is designed to be compact and as light as possible, so that its environmental impact and CO2 emissions are reduced.

These are the seven principles we are guided by and will always take into consideration. In this way, we need and always want to improve our daily work to make our world increasingly sustainable and our industry progressively more environmentally friendly.

For more detailed information, here is the KIDS MODAPORTUGAL website - https://www.kidsmodaportugal.pt/.

We want to bring you the projects that we are proud to be part of and that we consider to be essential in the daily work we do, and also to show you the progress that has been made for the future of the planet. We'll be sure to keep you updated.

What about you? What do you think about the changes and transformations that have been made in the children's fashion industry? We want to know your opinion. 

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