Enjoy every minute with your children
Talk about kids

31 May 2023

Enjoy every minute with your children

Enjoy every minute with your children

From the first months of life, children feel the need to explore through observation, manipulation of objects and small big discoveries at home - the place of their first games.

Parents can encourage this process by creating a family environment where they can experiment and let their imagination run wild.

We at Wedoble would like to share with our wonderful community some ideas for games and activities to play with their children:

Draw! Drawing is one of the best ways for children to express their emotions. Bring some white paper and plenty of coloured pencils. Unlike felt-tip pens, pencils improve manual dexterity. Artwork should be displayed: hang your children's drawings in your home, this will make them proud. Talking about the drawings will help them develop their imagination.

Cook something together! Pizza, biscuits, in short, something they can make something to knead.  Using molds can also be fun, buying sweets, sprinkles to add a touch of colour and liven up your dishes.

Create decorative objects by recycling materials you can find in your home: plastic bottles, cans, milk cartons.

Organize company afternoons! Contact with others is useful for encouraging creativity and developing your child's interaction skills. Spending time with others is useful for understanding the importance of sharing and helps develop empathy.

Listening to music and learning the words of songs together.  You train your memory while having fun.

Playing outdoors is still one of the most beautiful activities ever.  If you have open spaces, you can even create a green area to look after together. Your children can experience nature, observe its changes and learn how to solve the difficulties that arise: soil that needs water, pests, dry leaves. They will learn the rhythms of nature and the sense of waiting. Patience will turn into virtue! 

What about you? We want to know what other activities you do with your children.

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