KID Capsule
Our brand, our projects

13 November 2024

KID Capsule

KID Capsule

Today we want to talk about something new that is now available for you to see - our KID line.

This new line comes very much from the desire we had to extend our age range a little and create a small line for older children. Right from the start, Wedoble has been supporting little ones from premature babies up to 4 years old. However, we always heard feedback saying that they would like to be able to continue dressing their little ones in our clothes, but age advances. So if our little ones grow, we want to keep growing with them.

The KID line includes delicate and simple knitted garments for children aged between 6 and 10. These models go perfectly with our Autumn/Winter 2024 collection for both adults and children. They'll be a great option for creating outfits for the whole family. It's a capsule synonymous with comfort and elegance created with care. It's available online and with limited units.

We think it's a perfect line now for the autumn/winter period, ready for the big adventures that the little ones (a little older) are going to have during this season.

In the KID capsule we have basic and versatile shirts in colours that will go with any pattern. They're perfect for parents to have in their children's wardrobes. We've also added a familiar accessory - the beanie - which is great for colder days. The last item we want to mention from this capsule is the 100% wool coat, which is great and will surely be a favourite among the little ones (grown-ups).

We're very happy to share this news with you, as it's something we really wanted to realise. At the same time, we wanted to continue on this journey of growth and development of the little ones and present an option to parents who were sad that there were no more sizes above 4 years old, so that they could continue to include Wedoble.

KID is something that is also yours, because of the constant requests to develop new articles that cover ages over 4. Now we can talk about sizes 6, 8 and 10. We hope you like it.

Everything is available on our website and we can't wait to see the little ones (grown-ups) dressed up. Same as always at -

What about you? What do you think of this news? We want to know who's already had a look at our site and has their favourite pieces. We want to know your experience and opinion

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