How do we know which is a boys' game and which is a girls' game? Simple, there is no such distinction!
At least, there shouldn't be. Each game allows the child to develop specific skills. Gender should not be a limitation and an aspect that defines a toy or game.
The game or toy may be associated with a reflection of the reality in which we live or the imagination of the person who creates the game, and it sometimes includes stereotypes and preconceived ideas of those realities. However, this does not mean that these are only associated with gender.
Confusing the concepts of sex- something biological and related to the birth of the child - and gender identity- something that is defined by society, in which the concepts of female gender and male gender emerge. These two concepts are, still, placed in the same sentence, when they have completely different definitions - something biological and something social. This problem should be approached, from an early age, to children, to allow a better understanding that something we do or play doesn't define us.
There is no gender diversity in a toy, it is only a social concept, because each toy allows the child to develop certain skills and, mainly, to have a moment of joy.
Gender stereotypes are still very present in our society. Several surveys show that they are transmitted unconsciously already in the first years of life, precisely through toys.
It is interesting to note that the concept of "boys' toys and girls' toys" is quite recent. In the 1970s, advertising was less stereotypical, while from the 1990s onwards Kids Marketing began to focus heavily on the division between boys' and girls' toys, reaching its peak in the 2000s. Boys' toys promote adventure, risk(if not violence) and power, while girls' toys usually focus on the concept of caringand beauty.
In this way, it is clear that if the choice of toys is not made in a trivial way, this small action can gradually affect learning and the way the child sees the world.
Today, we find toys that teach skills, help the child growand develop motor, physical, cognitive and communication skills.
Good news is that in recent years we can find a greater number of toys that are neutral, in terms of their idea and communication, than in previous decades.
We cannot decide on the basis of stereotypes. Our children should be freeto make their choice according to their preferences. Taking this action for them, or preventing them from having contact with a certain toy, can be prejudicial in the development of their full potential, just because of the categories created, transmitted and so strongly infused in society.
Games and toys, for children, are synonymous of joyand fun. On the other hand, they can generate the definition of their personality, what is right and wrong and what their limitations might be. The same can happen when they relate and interact, through a game or toy, with other children, demonstrating their emotions and understanding the other person.
Not only toys can represent a weak pointwhen addressing the gender issue, clothesand coloursare also included.
At Wedoble, we do not distinguish between boys' and girls' clothes. It does not exist. We do not present a clothing division in our online catalogues. Our clothes should be chosen according to the preferencesand what is most appealing to the person, regardless of colour or shape. We want to promote a new way of reading the world. We should all feel welcomed, loved and never judged based on who we are and our choices.
Let them be what they want to be.
What about you? We want to know your opinions on this very important subject.