Making upcycling work on a large scale
Our brand, our projects

10 January 2024

Making upcycling work on a large scale

Making upcycling work on a large scale

Nowadays, we understand that the ability to adapt to the different contexts in which we find ourselves is crucial in the world we live in. The fashion industry is no exception. On the contrary, it's a characteristic that lies in the way it expresses itself, the different trends, the different practices, its rules and principles.

Today, production is synonymous (or should be) with caring for our planet. When we talk about sustainability on our platforms, we mention that it is a whole process and a fundamental principle in the fashion industry. From the choice of materials, the way certain garments are produced and the various processes chosen until the item reaches the consumer's hands. It's all about what will be most effective, appropriate and caring for our planet.

However, there is another side that we should take into consideration and explore further - the way we consume. Consumption has several indicators: you consume more, you consume less, the quantities of garments you buy or the quality of the garments you buy. These are some of the aspects we can consider when we talk about buying clothes.

The industry is notorious for this problem and has had to adapt and come up with new ways of consuming - more conscious and environmentally friendly ways. Such transformations will lead to changes in the way clothes are produced and the amount of clothes we see.

This is where upcycling comes in - making functional and reviving items of clothing that would otherwise be thrown away. The possibility of bringing back something classic is greater, making production a more conscious system is greater and the act of buying clothes thoughtfully is greater. It's another idea that's changing the fashion industry and the way we look at our clothes.

Upcycling demonstrates another way of using clothes and makes mass production something controlled and often reduced. The aim is to provide a possible solution to the ongoing production of excessive quantities of clothes, which leads to waste and a negative impact on the environment.

In recent articles, they've started to address this issue and have come up with some examples of brands that turn a particular item of clothing into something new with minor modifications, making it current or just functional. The principle really is to turn forgotten items of clothing that we think will no longer be used into something that will have a new life.

At Wedoble, we want to bring new garments and new things to our brand. These new things are also reflected in the initiatives we put into practice. Nowadays, our brand works with materials that allow consumers to realise what they can do with them if they discard the garment. The production techniques allow us to reduce or even mention that there is very little waste - less than 5%. The garments produced are designed to have a future with those who buy them and with other people who might use them - QR codes to track and get information about the garment. They can be recycled and sold second-hand, which allows the garment to last a long time.

In addition to all these practices, Wedoble has teamed up with White-Stamp, a platform for selling items, and we have entered into the initiative - sell 1 buy 1- in which people can sell items from our brand that they no longer use and can buy others through the exchange. Here's a link to the page where the whole initiative can be found - The idea is to further emphasise this practice of circularity, which we believe is very important and is playing an ever-increasing role in the fashion industry.

Upcycling is a process that has been growing recently and it could certainly become a practice that we can include, as we have done throughout the brand's existence with other practices. So let's go back to the principle with which we began this article - the idea that we have to adapt to the various changes that the fashion industry brings, together with what will be the future of our planet.

Bringing new ways of looking at what we wear will be a positive step and one we should explore more and more. We like to bring up these topics not only to learn more but also to realise how we can adapt to this continuous change and emergence of new ideas.

What about you? Did you already know about these new practices that have been introduced into the fashion industry? We want to know your opinion 

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