
06 September 2023



When we approach sensitive and complex topics such as motherhood, we must take all components into consideration. The main one will be to understand that the experience of this special and different phase in a woman's life will depend on several factors - lifestyle, emotions, behaviours and people.

An event like bringing a baby into the world is something very powerful and difficult to describe. When we ask a mother what her children mean in her life, the immediate answer - they are everything to me, they are my life.  

They are a lifelong love that brings a lot of responsibility and a sense of new emotions that, until then, we had heard about but never felt.

Becoming a mother is an important step, is to acquire a new role for ourselves and our children and, indescribably, to be the endless love that is felt in a blood or non-blood relationship. Choosing to be a mother is something that determines our life, our thoughts, our emotions and also the way we look at the world.

Motherhood brings us challenges, new situations, new knowledge and it is a phase that makes us self-knowledge - physically, mentally and emotionally.

Physically - our body undergoes a big transformation, we have a baby inside us, we have new sensations. 

Mentally - we start thinking not only about ourselves (because of the big change in our lives) but also for our children (do they need something, what can we do for them, how much we miss them when we are away from them, am I doing everything my child needs, among others).

Emotionally - having this strong bond between mother and child makes us think about a thousand and one things and, consequently, feel a thousand and one things; emotions such as pride for what he/she has achieved, sadness when he/she is in a less good moment, joy in a moment of sharing, and so many other emotions.

We must not forget that the experience of motherhood is different from person to person. Different lives and situations require different ways of dealing and processing. All this is important to highlight, explain and, above all, understand.

For that, today we bring a special guest, who was part of our Wedoble Talks, Andreia Pais de Vasconcelos. Andreia is the author of the blog Tomás My Special Baby and of the book Maternidade, Amor e Trissomia. She is, recently, mother of four children, two girls and two boys. She is a true example of a big family and, therefore, it was necessary and interesting to understand what motherhood brought to her life and what the main challenges and changes were

So, we bring you a video in which she talks about this theme - the different stages and the different challenges; her testimony of her journey through motherhood; the fact of having a son with trisomy 21; the support of her children. 

For us, this story made perfect sense to bring to the blog, for the simple reason of sharing her perspective and experience in the introduction and continuous journey in this world that is motherhood. Be it for her unique point of view and for wanting to share her experience as a mother of four. 

I hope you enjoy this completely open and honest conversation, with answers to some questions that were asked and the sharing of experience. We thank Andreia for sharing and being available to talk about this important subject, motherhood. 

The video is available on Wedoble's Facebook page

What about you? In this world of motherhood, we want to know your experiences and opinions.

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