When should our babies drink water?
Talk about kids

19 July 2023

When should our babies drink water?

When should our babies drink water?

When we approach many topics associated with the world of babies, we can point out very specific aspects, which turn out to be very important and which we would not have an answer for before. The baby's food and nutrition are no exception. On the contrary, parents are very cautious and concerned about this area. To have the necessary care and understand what we can do to improve the quality of life of our baby, it is always good to be available to hear some tips.

Today's theme is: should our babies drink water or not? At first sight it may be something quite simple. But it may generate doubts for some parents.

For this, we bring the nutritionist Tânia Tinoco to be able to answer this question and explain why it can be a question that can bring doubt. 

Nutritionist Tânia's answer is simple and complicated at the same time. It will depend. Certain experts defend that babies should drink and others say no. Her opinion can be divided into two situations. If the baby is fed exclusively by mother's milk - we should not give water to the baby, as mother's milk is enough to hydrate the baby. However, there are two exceptions where we can give water to the baby - when there is a great heat wave (but not too much as it can make the baby less hungry); we must give water to our babies whenever they have vomit or diarrhea - two  very dehydrating situations.

If the baby is fed by formula milk, there will be no problem in offering water.

When there is the introduction of food, we will have a different situation. A diet based on solid foods, for example porridge, there is a need to resort to water. We must pay attention if our child needs water, since they do not ask to drink. When they get older, they start to associate this need to drink and so they can ask for it.

An interesting aspect pointed out by nutritionist Tânia is the fact that, the earlier we introduce the glass only or the glass with a straw to drink water, the easier it becomes for children to get used to it. It is a sign of more autonomy and independence.

Therefore, we give here some tips and answers for this situation. See the video which gives a more detailed explanation on the subject. We thank, once again, the nutritionist Tânia Tinoco for sharing information.

The video is available on Wedoble's Facebook page https://fb.watch/llm64qsTGC/

We want to know your opinion on this subject and understand how you have adapted your baby to drink water.

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