Working conditions in the garment sector
Our brand, our projects

16 August 2023

Working conditions in the garment sector

Working conditions in the garment sector

Production within the fashion industry is something that we must pay attention to. Whether it is the way a garment is produced, the materials used, the mechanisms that incorporate a production system for a particular garment there are always risks associated with it. It is important to keep this in mind.

But the question that remains when we talk about this industry is: why is the garment industry still dangerous for workers? We can mention one of the most outspoken examples which is the fatal collapse of the Rana Plaza - a building where several factories with inhumane working conditions were located and eventually collapsed, leaving several people injured and a considerable number of dead. This led to a historic safety agreement that helped improve conditions in thousands of factories in Bangladesh. However, there are still places in the world where little progress has been made and conditions remain poor or non-existent.    

In our case, Wedoble and our production factory, we are always careful and it is seen as mandatory and fundamental for its operation the working conditions that we give to those who work with us. From the machines, security, the work environment and all the components that integrate people's working day it is important to be dignified, appropriate and legally fulfilled.

Nowadays, the conditions we have in our daily work are fundamental to be preserved, legitimate and created according to what the work requires and needs to be done in the best possible way. Working conditions are a given in many countries, but still in many places it is something that is not considered or given as something that is minimum for a person to do the job. Clothing production is one area that is unfortunately related to this problem.

For us, as a brand that preserves the environment, the working conditions for the people we work with is in a high degree of importance, and year after year we try to do our best to make sure that the work is done well and mainly to make the people who do it well, happy and satisfied with their conditions.

Efforts to address these safety issues have been undermined by the demand for faster and cheaper fashion, in contrast the pressure from regulators, investors and activists is taking on increasing proportions. This type of situation has demonstrated a change in mentality and a greater awareness of this problem, which is still very present in our society.

It has been recurrently called the attention of several brands for the way to regulate all these components, in order to create better conditions for people to work. It is essential, necessary and part of human rights.

What about you? We want to know your opinion on this very important issue in our industry and in the world.

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