Having multiple roles every day

03 May 2023

Having multiple roles every day

Having multiple roles every day

A mother needs time not to forget that she is also a woman, a friend, a sister. It is essential that a woman-mother tries to find a space for herself, without children. The true definition of a "me time".

It is necessary as a habit or a routine. It definitely helps to build a more serene daily life, with a balance between family, work and the thousand and one things to do during the day.

Being a mother goes beyond the day-to-day activities - changing nappies, solving more stressful moments and always being by your little one's side - it also means facing a series of important challenges. Motherhood represents a phase of profound changes that affect one's identity and self-perception. It is a phase in women's lives that affects both physical and psychological levels. It is a big change.

The tasks and duties of a woman-mother can carry too much weight. A mother is seen as the heroine, strongand as the person who can do many things at once. But even if she is organized and can get those thousand things done each day, she may leave other equally important aspects of her life in the background.

A mother should devote time to her interests and passions that make her feel better: going to the gym or the cinema, having a conversation at the pub with friends, attending a reading meeting or going to a concert of her favourite band.

One should never stop cultivating one's passions, they should remain ambitious. Mothers often feel guiltybecause they do not spend enough time with their little ones, or fear that they are not making the right choices. Feelings of guilt sometimes do not help to bond with the child.  Therefore, try not to feel guilty about the decisions you make.

We know that mothers can be very self-critical. They often have high expectations of their own abilities: they think they should know how to behave with their baby in all circumstances, but when things do not go as they would like, the first response they may often think is "because I wasn't there" or "it's my fault". Remember that you are doing your best to attend to your baby's needs.

Never be afraid to ask for support and help!

After all, we should try to be good role models for our children, by enriching our own lives with unforgettable moments. All these components help our children to always look forward and to be able to aspire just like their mothers do!

And you? Women and mothers on that side, we wanted to know your opinion - your challenges and experience with this reality of being a woman and a mother at the same time.

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