The role of kindergarten
Talk about kids

26 April 2023

The role of kindergarten

The role of kindergarten

When we think ofkindergarten, what is the first thought that comes to your mind?

A new world for those who have their first child or already becoming a "normal" stage for those who are reliving this moment. But what about for the child, will he or she adapt?How will kindergarten shape a child's way of being and thinking?Questions that I am sure many people have had and entering in this stage has been a constant learning experiencefor them and for the children.

On the other hand, kindergarten may be one of the most important stages in children's lives, not only for the knowledge and learning, but it will also be one of the first social contexts for children, where we will understand the importance of group socialization and what it can bring at this early stage of a child's life. 

However, if we think about it, this context is not always within the reach of all children. In the world we live in, kindergarten can be an established setting for some and a distant one for others. The right to education is one of the fundamental rights of children. Kindergarten should be a place of inclusion, where every child can develop their potential, regardless of their background.

We can see kindergarten as a space of constant transformation for children, for all the information they are exposed to. A space of adaptation, for the different contexts and situations they find. A space for interaction with different people, where socialization is not only with parents and familiar faces, but also with other children and potential friends for life. 

This space is an engine for new tools such as learning new letters, learning to draw and making the first collages. These are all new incentives which are explored and help children to build their own confidence and address possible problems in the future. They allow children to become more active and independent, able to work on things they like to do and feel satisfied with their actions. 

We cannot forget to mention the first teacher. A person who will always be connected to the first moments of learning and development of the child, either on a cognitive, social, emotional or physical level. It is truly a person who remains in our memory from an early age.

Nowadays, kindergarten is essentialfor a child's growth and statistical numbers reflect a positive growth, in almost all European countries, of children attending kindergarten. This indicator may be the result of several factors, namely the mandatory nature of pre-school education. However, there are still some difficulties when we have this decision in hand, either because of the impossibility of providing it or because of the lack of opportunities of help when we want to place our children in kindergarten. The right of children to attend kindergarten is universal, but the reality experienced does not always follow this idea.

We can conclude that there are several factors to consider when talking about kindergarten. Our insecurities, our possibilities and, mainly, the child.

What do you think? What are your experiences, memories and opinions about one of the most important stages for a child?

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